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Regenerating a derelict site in Glasgow city centre to provide much-needed student housing.
This 230-room Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) scheme will add to the vibrant community of students living in central Glasgow. The fully serviced apartments will sit above an activated ground floor with potential retailers and commercial spaces. Redevelopment of the site will act as a catalyst for regeneration while addressing the city’s shortage of student accommodation. We’ve supported our client in developing site feasibility and the pre-application planning process for planning submission.
The building, formerly a nightclub, has been empty since 2007, and due to its condition, it’s a challenging site. We’ve managed the design development, keeping within budget while including an option to retain the existing façade to the North and South elevations.
Looking for professional, effective, personalised service from a team you can trust? Get in touch to see how we can help.